Saturday, July 25, 2009

Great Words From Mr. Sylvester Arena From

If you don’t believe in your self, then don’t expect others to believe in you.
Your journey as a photographer will be degrade periodically into a vat of self-doubt. Often there will be no warning before you find your emotions plunging into an abyss. As photographers, we wear our insides on the outside. Our best images show the world what we think and how we feel. Rejection can bash around our souls like a pinball at the arcade. One over-zealous comment from an editor, one job not given by a prospect, one errant comment from a spouse or dear friend and the emotional free-fall starts. Likewise, sometimes your sense of worth will come from these same people – like a buoy during stormy seas. Ultimately though, it is always your sense of self-worth that will serve as the barometer for others when it comes to how much faith they should put in you. Your journey back to the surface often begins with the simple mantra “I believe in my self” – saying it again and again even when you don’t. Eventually you will. And when you do, so will others.

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