Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Winter Sound System

The hottest music festival of the winter season without doubt, landed in the city of Melbourne for the Queens birthday long weekend. Winter Sound System boasted a stellar line up of international superstars including the likes of; House music genius- Laidback Luke (Sweden), US Superstar- Armand Van Helden (New York), & The Cutting Edge Producer- Chris Lake (UK). Just to name a few.
But lets not forget the king himself. Voted the worlds number 1 DJ via International poll. ARMIN VAN BUUREN
His 5 hour set had festival goers tearing up the dance floor all night.

Links To My Galleries Below

Photo Gallery #1

Photo gallery #2


  1. Paul Mulligan is a committed, professional photographer who rises to the challenge of the competitive industry of commercial photography. Through his freelance photography, clients are constantly impressed by the quality of the work produced.

    Mr Mulligan brings to the industry, as with all photographers, his own unique style - not just in the images but in the way the work is physically done and the interactions with his subjects whether that be on location or studio.

    Keep an eye on this one everybody! His willingness and professionalism towards his work will surely lead him to become on of Australia's best photographers.

    Deus Benedictas Tibi


